Monday, February 2, 2009

4H Fair

It is that time again, time for the county fair. I wonder sometimes why we do it and why we late till the last minute. I guess that just makes it more exciting. The kids had all these great plans to each do four things. B was going to do 10 scrapbook pages, a dog photo, brownies, and a table setting. D was doing a wooden footstool, dog photo, 8 post cards, and oatmeal cookies. We are ending up with D doing a dog photo and B doing brownies and a table setting. They did a really good job on their final entries. I am so proud that they did something. I wonder if I should have pushed them and made them follow through with what they originally signed up for. I then think why cause myself so much extra drama... it is just the fair. If they do great they will get a blue ribbon and 6.00, red is worth 4.00, and white is 2.00. I will be happy with whatever they get at least they did accomplish something. I am going to post a picture that Dustin is entering in the fair. I will post pictures of all the projects tomorrow. We are still praying for the icing on B's brownies to harden before it is time to pack them up and drop them off.